It’s a wonderful feeling to see churches filled with children having fun and discovering great things about God.

Why run a holiday club?

100 Steps to a Thriving Holiday Club resource

Holiday clubs are a great starting point for introducing children and families back into the church setting.  It’s a fantastic outreach opportunity that could be the stepping stones to help build your church.

The number of children attending a church service is in the decline.  Scripture Union statistics show that 95% of children and young people today in England and Wales are not in church.  We want to turn that around. Holiday clubs are extremely rewarding and can impact children’s faith in ways that last a lifetime.

How does ‘100 Steps to a Thriving Holiday Club’ work?

It enables churches to run a holiday club even if they haven’t put on an event like this before. The benefit of your church partnering with us is that we will work through the process with you.

The printed resource guide is designed to help churches put together a successful holiday club, with a step by step guide to help you with every aspect – from the initial planning and setting a date, deciding on a theme and leading you right through to the ‘what happens afterwards’ stage.

The resource has been piloted with churches and is ready to roll out to many more!

“Some of the key highlights were seeing the church family of all ages and experiences coming together to serve and bless our community. It was also great to see over 40 kids coming who were not connected with our church and to share something of the love and presence of God with them. 

It was brilliant that some of our own church children took the opportunity to invite some of their friends along to share something of their faith experience with them.  It was so encouraging to see how God guided our decisions and provided for us as we prayed, trusted and tried this out!”  Feedback from our pilot church


What’s needed?

  • Your church leadership team need to be in agreement and supportive to the holiday club taking place. (If they are able to be involved practically that’s even better!)
  • You would also need to find a core team of leaders that would be involved in the planning stages.
  • You would need to find a team of people willing to be involved (including young people if possible) who would be able to serve during the holiday club.
  • Access to a venue to hold the holiday club in
  • Costs for the day to day running of the club, e.g. Hire of premises (if required), advertising, craft materials etc. will need to be covered by the church.


Cost of the resource

For churches that wish to use the printed resource, we ask a that a donation towards the ongoing work of Thrive is made.


What next?

Have you run a holiday club in the past and would like to re-launch one this year?  Maybe it’s totally new to you, you would be interested in the idea but unsure as to how to go about it.

The first step is to meet with us and talk through the process and answer any questions you may have.  Once the church agrees to the project, we can start the ball rolling and begin to work with you in preparing for your thriving holiday club!

If you would like to know more – please contact Fiona.