On these pages you get to invest in yourself and your leadership, find quality resources to help you develop the leaders  around you and also find some useful advice on how a church goes about employing a youth minister.

Leadership Resources

chairs with notebooks on


Training and continued learning are essential traits of all good leaders. We must never stop growing. Whether you are looking
women choosing a book


There are so many good books available to help the leader think about every aspect of youth ministry. Whether it
pile of journals

Magazines & Journals

It is good practice to stay informed and read stories of others’ experiences of youth ministry and there are some
wireless headphones

Audio & Video

You might not have time to spend reading lots of books or articles. Podcasts are a great way of staying inspired,
it is well sign

Personal Growth

The most precious resources a church has are its leaders. For the leader to be the most effective, they need
two men talking

Developing Others

Do you feel like all the responsibility for investing in young people is down to you? As a leader, we need
young woman speaking

Employing A Youth Worker

More and more churches are seeking to employ a youth worker, and yet youth workers don’t tend to stay in