If we are to be effective, we need to set time aside to plan properly. Not just what’s happening this week, but where is the work heading?

Spending time on seeking vision, developing strategy and creating a long term plan ensures that the ministry grows and remains rooted properly.

But it can be all too easy to overlook these vital steps. In this section, we provide ideas and links to great resources across the internet to keep you inspired and to encourage you to think long term. It is time never wasted.

What can we plan for?

Strategy & Vision

Strategy & Vision

It is very easy to go from day to day, youth group meeting to youth group meeting without thinking any


Thrive Youth Ministries exists to enable churches to be better equipped to reach out to young people. This can be an
Small Groups

Small Groups

Small groups are a very effective way of discipling young people. They are able to contribute more easily, feel a


Whether it’s going away for a weekend house party or taking a group away on a weeklong holiday with other


Opportunities to work with local schools are worth making the most of... Fortunately there are some really useful resources available