Imagine churches, both in urban and rural contexts, full of young people. Imagine these teenagers being on fire for Jesus, passionate about living for him and secure and confident enough to invite other young people to meet him. This is the heartbeat of Thrive Youth Ministries.  Here are the different ways that you can support us.

Stay up to date

Transform 2019

We produce various e-bulletins to keep people up to date with news about Thrive:

  • Supporters e-bulletin – a monthly email for supporters with news on our work
  • Youthwork network e-bulletin – a monthly email especially for those involved in youth ministry
  • Children’s network e-bulletin – a monthly email especially for those involved in children’s ministry

Sign up here


Support us in prayer

Prayer is the foundation of all that we do and we would really appreciate it if you would join us in praying for all that we do and the people we support. We produce a monthly prayer e-bulletin which gives you suggestions as to what you might like to pray for during the month ahead. If you are are not able to access e-mail, let us know and we can sort out a paper version for you to use.

Sign up here

Support us financially

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

Our vision depends on individuals and churches supporting us financially. We receive no central funding and we rely largely upon the partnership and generosity of individuals and churches. Your support really does help churches invest more in their youth and children’s ministries and outreach to teenagers. Please consider giving a one-off gift or setting up regular giving.

Ways to give

Online – you can donate online here, whether a one-off gift or to set up a regular donation. You can provide gift aid information here too.

Cheque – you can send a cheque in the post to our office address. If we can gift aid your donation, and you have not already told us, please include a Giving Form.

Regular donation  – you can do this online above or by directly with your bank or building society using our bank account details on our Giving Form. If we can gift aid your donation, and you have not already told us, please send us a Giving Form.

The difference your money can make

  • £3 can fund a mentoring meeting with a Youth or Children’s Leader 
  • £30 can fund a church visit to offer advice & support, practical suggestions & direction on youth and children’s ministries
  • £100 can fund a young person to take part in one of Thrive’s training courses
  • £300 can fund a training event for youth and children’s leaders